Report flytipping including asbestos

Flytipping is the illegal dumping of waste. The size and amount doesn’t matter, whether it’s a single bag of rubbish or a truckload of furniture.

Flytipping includes leaving waste beside street bins or recycling banks, or on the floor of communal bin areas. It also includes leaving items outside closed recycling centres and charity shops.

We all have a legal ‘duty of care’ to ensure that we dispose of our household or business waste correctly. If it’s your waste, it’s your responsibility. 

If you need asbestos removed and disposed of, hire a professional to do it safely. Find out more on the Cambridgeshire County Council and HSE websites.

We remove flytipping (including flytips that contain asbestos) from public land, including parks, roads footpaths, rivers and laybys.

Rubbish on private land is the landowner’s responsibility. Private land includes private shared alleyways between properties, housing association land, fields, driveways, and private car parks and garage areas.

If you see flytipped rubbish or asbestos on public land, report it using our online form. Please include a photo with the form if you can, as it will make it much easier for us to find the dumped items.

We’ll ask you to:

  • tell us if you think the flytip includes asbestos
  • describe the exact location of the flytip
  • describe what has been left and how much there is
  • tell us whether you witnessed the flytip and any vehicles involved – note the registration numbers if you can
  • provide a photo of the flytip if possible

Do not approach anyone you see flytipping – keep yourself safe by standing out of the way. Do not touch waste in case it is contaminated or dangerous.

We investigate reports of flytipping, and seek to take enforcement action against offenders. You can face a fixed penalty notice of £400 for flytipping, or the court can impose an unlimited fine. This is also the case if somebody else flytips waste on your behalf.

Dispose of household waste correctly

If you use a waste carrier to provide a skip or collect your rubbish, make sure they are registered. The Environment Agency can help you find a registered waste carrier.

Scrap flytipping campaign

Scrap flytipping campaign graphicThe Scrap campaign aims to educate and advise people on their duty of care when it comes to waste.

Follow the Scrap code:

  • Suspect all waste carriers. Do not let them take your rubbish until they provide proof of registration, and make a note of their vehicle’s registration plate.
  • Check whether your waste carrier is registered on the Environment Agency website.
  • Refuse any unexpected offers to have your rubbish taken away.
  • Ask how your rubbish will be disposed of and seek evidence of this.
  • Paperwork must be obtained. Ask for a proper invoice or receipt, including the waste carrier’s contact details and a description of the waste.

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